The Gospel
of Matthew
Lesson 5
The King’s Manifesto

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom
of Heaven. Matthew 5:3
Before we begin this chapter, let us address a question which arose out of the last outline on chapter four and the Temptation of Christ.
Q: I
had a great time last Friday when you touched on Temptation. How do we differentiate between temptation by Satan and situations where the Spirit of God is leading us into tests? Can you please bring some clarity to this crucial area of the believer’s spiritual journey?
Thanks a lot Mrs D for corresponding by email. It is great to know that our sessions in the Book of Matthew are prompting this kind of positive reaction and enquiry. We will hopefully deal with this in-depth as we continue with the series, however let me quickly outline a few things to distinguish between the two:
Satan’s temptation:
·Is usually secretive, don’t tell anyone else, this is for you alone. Acts 5:1-3
Do it NOW! Pushy, in a hurry. Take this chance or it will never come back! Genesis 39:10-12
There is only one point of reference, other opinions are not sought. Esther 3:8-10
Demonic nudges come through natural urges (sexual, hunger etc). 2 Samuel 11:2
The enemy uses access via our five senses (touch, smell, eyes, ears, taste). 1 John 2:16
Usually your prayer life and walk with God suffers and becomes inconsistent. Judges 2:11-13
You might feel oppressed, depressed, weighed down or have bad dreams. Psalm 43:1-2
The Lord’s Test
Usually comes in waves or seasons. Judges 6: 1, Numbers 14:32-34
There is a sense of peace along with words of encouragement during the trial. Acts 10:10-11
The Lord usually sends witnesses to confirm His Will. Acts 9:6 & 10-17
You see change in your heart, faith-walk and life due to tests. Hebrews 5:8, James 1:2-4
We know deep within that our stubbornness to God’s Will is creating havoc. Jonah 1:3-4
Our relationship with God is restored or deepened as a result of trials. Judges 3:9 & 16:28
Even in the trials/storms you have a sense of Joy and Victory! 2 Corinthians 4:8, James 1:12
The cardinal rule with temptations, trials and tests is that the Lord is incredibly faithful and will not allow you to face anything that you cannot bear; “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it”. 1 Corinthians 10: 13
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom
of Heaven. Matthew 5:3
The Sermon on the Mount is the core of Jesus’ teachings and the very essence of what the Kingdom of God is all about. The Kingdom of Heaven is an interchangeable term with the Kingdom of God in Matthew’s Gospel. It represents the domain of the King of the universe which is anywhere and everywhere. It exists in us Luke 17:21 and manifests wherever the Lord shows up. Matthew 12:28
Matthew chapters 5-7 are essential study material for the Disciple of Christ and every serious believer. The teachings of Jesus are not for the faint-hearted or the casual church attendee. They are geared to radically change your perspective and world view, religion and your
lifestyle. Read on at your own peril. Burn after reading applies here. Yes burn everything in your life that does not measure up to the Jesus standard.
He went up on a mountain; this statement is prophetic as well as symbolic. Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord…He will teach us His ways Isaiah 2:3. Our God loves mountains. Zion is a mountain. The prophets usually went up mountains to find God. Classic Pentecostals have a phrase on the mountain which meant praying and fasting to seek God. Moses went up Mount Sinai to get the Law, while Jesus was transfigured on a mountain. Elijah went up Mount Carmel to pray down rain; Noah’s Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat while Abraham went up Mount Moriah to sacrifice Isaac. Here Jesus proclaims a new law from the Mount of Beatitudes
Blessed are… Blessed! Happy!! Joyful!!! These are uplifting words. This choice of word by Jesus actually means fortunate or Happy and denotes someone who has received divine favour. The word is an adjective meaning supremely blessed a condition in which CONGRATULATIONS! Is in order! It is a lovely word of Grace that expresses a sense of wellbeing, joyfulness and extreme satisfaction. This is the divine endowment from the Father Himself on those who receive His salvation through Jesus Christ.
…the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. These are the first words from the lips of Jesus denoting their priority. In a parallel incidence at the launch of His ministry (Luke 4:18) the Lord identified Himself by stating; the spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach good tidings to the
poor! It is not the high and mighty or rich and powerful that get first place but the poor. It is neither the famous and well-known nor the gifted and intelligent. The world gives high honour to the great and beautiful. ABβA had a worldwide hit with Money, Money, Money! It’s a rich man’s world!!
The priority on our Lord’s heart is to reach and touch the down trodden, the fatherless, the weak, the voiceless, the marginalised and forgotten. Once you make the decision to really follow Christ, you and your heart will morph into a sponge of love for people regardless of status, race or poverty.
Will you be a Christian or Disciple?